I'm not a Pastor, Priest or Biblical Scholar. I didn't attend a seminary and I don't have a degree in Theology, but I have been walking and talking with God for over thirty years, waiting for my ministry to begin.
Illuminated on Christmas Day, 1986, I committed my life to serving God after a "Damascus Road" experience on January 13, 1987.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, I have written several books and countless articles.
It is my heart's desire that you would know God, as I know God...he is real and alive and there is nothing he cannot do.
If you don't know God, or if you wonder if he is real, I urge you to get down on your knees and pray as I prayed over thirty years ago, "God, if you're real, I want to know."
If you're sincere...God will reveal himself to you in his way, in his time, according to his purpose, and you will no longer wish, hope, assume or even "believe" God is real, you will KNOW, without a doubt, God is real.
Until then, nothing else matters.