To download your free wallpaper and/or social media graphics, click the category below to see our selection of inspirational graphics. Click the image you want to download and an image page will open; click on the image you want to download. When the image appears, right click on the image and click "Save Image As" to save the image to your computer. Some browsers have different instructions, so follow the browser instructions to save the image. To set the image as a wallpaper, right click on the downloaded image and click "Save As Wallpaper." Different operating systems may have different instructions, follow the instructions for your operating system.
How to Create a Desktop Slideshow
To create a desktop background slideshow, save the desktop wallpaper images into one folder. Go to "Settings" and click "Personalization." On the "Background" page, select "Slideshow" and then the folder where you saved the images. Set the duration from the drop-down menu for how long you want to view each slide. Again, your operating system may have different instructions, so follow the instructions of your operating system.