From beginning to end, the Bible is one long journey...from the creation of the world in Genesis to the recreation in The Book of the Revelation. God has methodically taken us on a journey...teaching us how to live a happy, healthy, wealthy life on earth through the trials, tribulations and physical and Spiritual exploits of our forefathers.
Do Not Be Deceived:
Throughout scripture, there is no reference to "heaven" as our final resting place. "Heaven" is a fantasy created by the "church" to convert people to Christianity. It was never God's plan for us to live, die and go to "heaven."
Forget the fables and endless genealogies; If you look at the Bible as a whole, the picture is clear. Life and blessing, now and forever, is the result of obedience to God and his ways. Disobedience brings death and cursing. It is the same lesson repeated throughout both the Old and New Testaments. While preachers hold out the "afterlife" carrot to induce people to convert, God's focus is on life now. New life is not some future event requiring your death. "The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21)
When you are reborn Spiritually, all things become new. Your life changes because your thinking changes. You will have an insatiable hunger and thirst for God and his word and an innate desire to please God...and you will know, without a doubt, God is real; but that's just the beginning of the good news. This is the chosen generation.
In a little while, God is going to return the inheritance (the earth) to his children. He is going to remove the wicked (just as it was in the days of Noah) return the earth to its former glory, and usher in a thousand years of peace on earth.
Here is Wisdom:
There's a new world coming; a world where every knee will bow and tongue proclaim that Jesus is Lord. Prepare yourself, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.