The primary goal of religion is to make fill the pews and collection plates; to sell lots of books, tapes and DVD's, by promising an easy way to "heaven."
They tell you to just say a little prayer, confess that Jesus is Lord...and you will be "saved" and have "eternal life." Hallelujah, you are "born-again." All your sins past, present and future are forgiven; so you can live life anyway you want.
Sounds good, doesn't it?
Thanks to "Religion," there are going to be a lot of disappointed "Christians" when they reach the pearly gates and hear, "Depart from me, I never knew you."
It was never God's plan for us to live, die and go to heaven. If that's what you think, you have missed the whole point and purpose for our being.
This earthly life is a testing ground. It is God's way of separating the "wheat from the chaff"...those who will obey, from those who won't. There's a new world coming where every knee bows and tongue proclaims that Jesus is Lord. Do you really think God wants a bunch of disobedient people in his kingdom?
How you live your life, does and forever.
You can believe the Pastor, Priest or Biblical Scholar and go to church, throw a few bucks in the collection plate and continue to live a life of sin...just don't be surprised when Jesus says, "Depart from me, I never knew you."