There are a lot of ups and downs when you choose to follow Christ on the road to life.
Anyone who tells you it's easy, is lying to you...God never said it would be easy, just that it would be worth it.
You will experience trials and tribulations as God teaches you to trust him.
I remember an extremely low point...I was being sued by the State of Oklahoma for unpaid taxes. I had never been sued before; and I was afraid I would lose the club.
I was still learning God's ways and hadn't written Financial Freedom yet. I remember crying (literally) out to God; asking why he had forsaken me (sound familiar?).
With great clarity (from within or without I cannot say) God spoke to me in a very gentle voice, "I didn't ask you to hang on a cross."
It put things in perspective...and serves as a constant reminder of the sacrifice God made for me and my salvation. I also learned to trust God in every situation.
When you feel like it's too hard or that God is asking too much, just remember, he didn't ask you to hang on a cross.
Trials and tribulations will come; but God will never give you more than you can handle, and always make a way out. BTW, the tax issue was resolved the next day.