There's A New World Coming...

Do you find some things about "the end" to be a tad bit unbelievable?

You're not alone.  I mean c'mon, dead bodies rising out of the ground?  Sounds like the Zombie Apocalypse.  Preachers call it, "The Rapture of the Church."

Believing in the "Rapture" relieves you of the responsibility to do anything except believe in Jesus...who will magically whisk you away to heaven.  It's a lie, designed to keep you from preparing or being prepared for what's coming.

So what's coming?  A new world.

God is preparing to return the inheritance to his children.  In a little while, God is going to remove the unrighteous from the earth and usher in a thousand years of peace; where every knee will bow and tongue proclaim that Jesus is Lord.

Only a remnant will remain on earth to rule and reign with Christ.  Spirit-filled people who are prepared, as was Noah, to rebuild and replenish the earth.  Everyone else will simply die in the tribulation and sleep for a thousand years until judgement.

Heaven is not what you think it is; so don't be in a hurry to go to heaven.  It was never God's plan for his children to live, die and go to heaven.  It was to live and enjoy his creation, the earth; forever.  Get ready, his promise is about to be fulfilled.

Do Not Be Deceived:  Everything will appear normal and natural; just as it was in the days of Noah; "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

Until you are reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.

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