The Lord's Prayer...

Calling it "The Lord's Prayer" is a misnomer (this is not the prayer Jesus prayed, it is the prayer he wanted his disciples to pray).

It would be doing the prayer a disservice to try and explain it in a few paragraphs, so this is not an in-depth study of this important passage.  I just want to point out the oft misquoted portion of the scripture that significantly changes its meaning.

The passage reads, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven."  It doesn't say "on earth," as it is usually quoted.  It says, "IN earth."  It may appear to be a subtle difference, but there is a huge difference in the message.

While the Greek word "epi" can be interpreted "in or on," the King James Version says "In."  Why preachers continually quote it as "on," is beyond me.  Changing in to on, is petitioning God for a physical kingdom; but the kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom.  As Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21)

This is not a corporate prayer, it is an individual prayer.  It begins, "After this manner pray ye"  Praying "Thy kingdom come," is asking God to send the Holy Spirit; "Thy will be done," is turning your will over to God; "In earth," is asking God to come into your life.  As opposed to asking God to establish his kingdom ON earth, It is a plea to be reborn Spiritually, so you can see and enter the kingdom of God.

Until you're reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.

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