Give And It Shall Be Given

I'm reasonably sure you're tired of hearing sermons on tithing...the constant droning of preachers asking for money, money and more money.

It's easy to become cynical when dealing with money.

Now, before you think tithing is not important you should know that free-will tithing is probably the most important thing you can do...aside from being reborn Spiritually.

Why?  As Jesus said, "You cannot serve both God and mammon (Greek for money), you will love one and hate the other. " (Matthew 6:24)   What if all your money disappeared?  Would you, like Job, say, "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord."  Or would you be devastated?

Why is it so hard?  "Money" is the god of this world...its the only thing worshiped by everyone, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, politics and yes, even religion.

Until you understand that everything belongs to God, you won't let go of your money. Oh, you can throw a few bucks in the collection plate; maybe even give some cash to local and/or national charities but God doesn't want you to give, he wants you to be's a matter of the heart, not the pocketbook.

Tithing is not a law...there is no commandment to tithe; but as long as you trust your bank account instead of God, you will never experience all that God has for you.

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