I wasn’t looking for God. I wasn’t deaf dumb or blind. I wasn't lame or halt, sick or poor. I didn’t do drugs or have an alcohol problem.
I earned six-figures a year and lived with my wife and daughter in a 5,300 sq. ft. house on the thirteenth tee in an exclusive neighborhood across the street from the Mayor of Oklahoma City. In short, life was good.
At the time, God was the furthest thing from my mind.
Perhaps you can relate…you go to church and throw a few bucks in the collection plate. You believe in God and think you’re going to “heaven” when you die. You probably say you’re a “Christian,” and have a Bible somewhere in the house.
That was me, thirty-some years ago…today, it's a different story.
I don’t go to church and put well-over 10% of our gross income into a tithing account every month. I pray and read the Bible daily; and my life has been abundantly blessed.
What changed? When you know, without a doubt, God is real...everything changes.
If you truly want to know, I mean really KNOW, God is real; get down on your knees, confess your sins, and pray as I prayed, "God, if you're real, I want to know."
Don't stop asking, seeking and knocking; God will answer in his time, in his way, according to his purpose; and you will no longer hope God is real...you will know it.