Spend Time With God Every Day...

After I was illuminated I spent nine months in prayer, meditating on the word...what was revealed to me was this simple truth: "Christianity is not a religion, it's a way of life."  A way of living as God intended, in peace, without fear.

The greatest pleasure in life is communing with God.  If you don't agree, you don't know God.  Everything he does; everything he asks us to do, is for our benefit, not his.

Thirty years later, I still spend my days listening, reading, and praying without ceasing. 

Boring you say?  Then I will only don't know God.

You see, if you knew, without a doubt, God was real, I wouldn't need to encourage you to spend time with God.  You will have an insatiable hunger and thirst for God and his word; and an innate desire to please him...encouraging you to spend time with God is the last thing I would need to tell you.

However, if you don't know God, I mean really KNOW God, I urge you to get down on your knees and pray as I prayed over thirty years ago: "God, if you're real, I want to know."  That's it, nothing fancy, just an plea to God.

If you're sincere, God will reveal himself in his time, according to his purpose and you will no longer hope, assume or even believe God is will know it.

If you want a happier, healthier, wealthier life: Spend time with God every day.

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