It's interesting that there is no mention of eternal life in the Old Testament. One can surmise that this was revealed to us by Jesus; but in fact, very little is said about the afterlife in the Bible...nothing is concrete, it's all supposition.
Is it any wonder that Christianity spread so rapidly? Here's your choice, live and die or live, die and go to heaven...which would you prefer? The afterlife and immortality was added to the Jewish religion in the first century, in large part (my opinion) to stop the "exodus" of Jews to Christianity. It was the old, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
After all, Christianity offered Jews a release from the "law" (no more sacrificing bulls and goats) and the promise of eternal life. I mean, who wouldn't be attracted to that?
Today, just say a little prayer and all your sins past, present and future are forgiven; and you will have a mansion in heaven where you will be reunited with loved ones.
Sounds great, doesn't it? Preachers will promise anything to fill the pews and collection plate, because no one can dispute what they say...and you won't know if they're right or wrong until you die. If they're wrong, you pay the price.
Do Not Be Deceived:
Mansions notwithstanding, there's only one way to be assured of eternal life, "Ye must be born again." Whether Jew or Gentile, Jesus said, unless you're born again you cannot see or enter the kingdom.
Until you're reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.