I don't know why preparing for the "End" gets such a bad rap.
We prepare for college; we prepare for vacation; we prepare for retirement; but, talk about preparing for the "End;" and people immediately think of an old man with a long gray beard in raggedy clothes standing on a street corner with a sign.
You're rolling your eyes, aren't you? It's okay; the Bible says "scoffers will come."
If you're like most people, you just don't believe it's going to happen...at least not in your lifetime. But, preparing doesn't just apply to supernatural events, it could be a natural disaster that places extreme hardship on you and your family.
You probably think if a flood, wildfire, tornado, etc., hits, it will only be a few days before power is restored; and you probably have enough food to get by for a few days, maybe even a few weeks...assuming you have power for the microwave.
But, what if the worst happens? Are you prepared for seven years of war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes? How long could you survive without food and water?
You see, the question is not, "What if it doesn't happen?" It's "What if it does?"
Here is wisdom: "It's better to be prepared for that which does not come, than unprepared for that which does." Preparing is not paranoia, it's wisdom.