Everyone has seen the television coverage of the empty shelves at the grocery store and the scores of people leaving Home Depot with emergency supplies...AFTER it's announced that a disaster is about to take place. Wouldn't it be better to have those supplies BEFORE the announcement?
When God told me to "prepare for difficult times," I have to admit, I was skeptical. Difficult times? What did he mean? Was the world really coming to an end?
The Holy Spirit made it clear; the world is not coming to an end...but that doesn't mean it's going to be a walk in the park. You can read all about it in my book, "The Endtimes." (sorry for the shameless plug, but there's just too much detail for a few paragraphs). You can read an expanded chapter summary of "The Endtimes," by
clicking here.
God is preparing to return the inheritance (the earth) to his children.
Do Not Be Deceived:
There's a new world coming. It won't be man's world, it will be God's world, where every knee will bow and tongue proclaim that Jesus is Lord.
I know how it sounds; but scripture is clear, the earth will burn with fire...next week, next year, ten years? No one knows the day or hour; Jesus said, "Be ready always."
Whether it's a natural or supernatural event; whether the world ends or not: here is wisdom from God's lips to your ears: "It's better to be prepared for that which does not come...than unprepared for that which does."
Preparing is not paranoia, it's wisdom.
Until you're reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.