Most people praying for Christ's return are looking forward to spending eternity in heaven visiting loved ones...I'm not one of those people, for a couple of reasons.
First, "Heaven" is not sitting on a cloud with a harp, partying with friends or living in a mansion. "Heaven" is not like the movies; "mansion" (mone) is only mentioned once (it means "a staying," not a 20,000 sq ft estate in Beverly Hills). The only thing supported by scripture is that we will enter into God's rest and "sleep" until judgement.
Do Not Be Deceived: "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement;" (Hebrews 9:27) Scripture says nothing about partying with loved ones.
However, "sleep" is a good thing, (for reasons we don't have space to explain here) just not how preachers or the movies depict "heaven." Of course, their job is to fill the pews and theater seats...and "sleep" doesn't make for a good movie or sermon topic.
Next, Jesus is not coming on a white horse to take all the "good" people to heaven. It was the unrighteous taken in the flood, not the righteous. Noah stayed to begin again. What does the Bible say about the end of the age? "Just as it was in the days of Noe?" Unless you're prepared physically, as was Noah, you will simply die in the tribulation. Life, as you know it, will just be over. A new life in "heaven?" Not likely.
For those who endure, there's a new world coming...a thousand years of peace on earth. God has always provided a "goat," a sacrificial replacement, (hence the word "scapegoat") to fulfill his purpose (Proverbs 21:18). In a little while, when God rains fire on the earth at the end of the age...the "goats" (the wicked, evil and unrepentant) will be gone..."Just as it was in the days of Noe." Oh glorious day! Come quickly Lord Jesus.
until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.