Salvation is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts in scripture.
A lot of preachers say all you have to do is say a little prayer and confess that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved and have eternal life. Some even say you are "born-again." It sounds good; and fills the pews and collection plates, but is it true?
It's not for me to say who is and isn't "saved;" but the evidence of salvation is not an external change in the way you act, it's an internal change in the way you think, that manifests itself in the way you's a matter of the heart, not the head.
You may be religious, a good person, you may even believe in God; all these are good things, but that doesn't mean you're "saved" or have eternal life.
To have the assurance of salvation and eternal life, you must be reborn Spiritually; and only God can breathe life into your spirit...then, and only then, are you reborn Spiritually. You'll know, because your thinking will change.
You will have a hunger and thirst for God's Word and an innate desire to please God. Holiness and righteousness will become the priority of your life. You don't have to become a Monk or join a Convent; but you will become intensely aware of sin; yours and everyone around you...and you will no longer be able to sin without the Holy Spirit convicting you. If you continue to sin, the love of God isn't in you.
Sorry, but until you are born-again, nothing else matters; because until you are reborn Spiritually you cannot see or enter the kingdom of God.