From Adam to Jesus, God has maintained a covenant with his children. He will provide and protect, IF they will obey his commandments (Exodus 19:5) Notice the word "If." God gave us the "freewill" to obey or disobey. We get to choose the kind of life we want...blessed or cursed.
When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior (if you did), you agreed to the terms of the covenant...walk in his ways and obey his voice. It's not like he didn't tell us what would happen if we breached the contract...death and cursing.
C'mon, how hard can it be? Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Don't lie, cheat or steal. Don't murder anyone. Honor your parents and don't covet your neighbor's stuff. "Fear God and keep the commandments, for this is the whole duty of man" (Ecclesiastes 12:13) It's not rocket what's the problem?
Preachers have done a good job of "selling" a God of Love. We shouldn't "fear" God, after all, he loves us. And all that commandment stuff, that's Old Testament; we're under grace. All our sins have been forgiven and we can live any way we want. That stuff may fill the pews and collection plate, but if that's what you think, you don't know God...and that's the problem.
People don't "fear" God because they don't know God. If they did, they would live differently...and this world would be a much different, much better place to live.
Until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.