It's commonly taught by Pastors, Priests and Biblical Scholars that God wants you to worship him. Not really.
Do you really think God is so arrogant and self-centered that he needs you to worship him? Then you don't know God.
Everything God has done, is doing and will do, is for the benefit of his kids.
The gold is his, the silver is his, the cattle on a thousand hills, is his. God, created the heavens and the earth, he can make all the worshipers he wants out of the stones on the ground. Everything belongs to God, because he made everything.
It is the epitome of arrogance to think God needs anything from us.
God is certainly worthy of our praise and worship, but that's not why we were created.
We were created to have dominion over the earth; to live and enjoy his creation.
When you know, I mean really KNOW, who God is, you will praise and worship him; but not because that's your purpose in life or because some preacher told you will do it because you are so thankful and grateful to be a "child of God."
When you consider the alternative (you could be Satan's kid) praise and worship comes easy. Oh, and forget about that "kneeling" before God for eternity...that's not "heaven."