Admitting you have a problem is the first step of any twelve-step program...whether it's alcohol, drugs, porn, gambling or any other "addiction." Like any addiction, until we see "sin" as a problem, we won't ask for help.
We just don't see "sin" as a problem...and that's a problem.
Don't see anything wrong with taking a few office supplies home from work? It's called stealing. Addictions like alcohol, drugs, etc. may make your life a living hell; but a sinful lifestyle means you'll spend eternity in actual Hell. And, don't think Hell is only for murderers...liars, cheaters and thieves are Hell-bound too.
How do the twelve-steppers do it? Admit your life has become unmanageable and you need help? Believe in a higher power and turn your life and will over to God (as you understand him)?
Sounds an awful lot like the "born again" experience.
There are no special prayers or magical incantations...and no twelve steps. Just admit you're a sinner, repent of your sin, and turn your life and will over to God (not as you understand him, but the one true living God)...kinda like, "Jesus take the wheel."
If you want to change your life, pray as I prayed over thirty years ago, "God, if you're real, I want to know." That's it...nothing fancy. If you're sincere, God will reveal himself in his way, in his time, according to his purpose; and you will no longer hope, assume or even believe God is will know it.
Because until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.
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