A lot of well-known and well-respected preachers talk about how long they have been preaching, as if the longer one preaches the more qualified one is to preach.
There's a big difference between twenty years experience and one years experience twenty times.
Is the preacher growing Spiritually or is s/he still teaching the same politically-correct pablum you hear from every other preacher?
Remember, just because everyone believes something is true, doesn't make it truth.
Growth (even Spiritual growth) is an on-going process.
A lot of preachers are not growing Spiritually because they have not been Spiritually reborn. All they know (and teach) is what they learned in Seminary; but what if they're wrong?
Without the Spirit of Truth, there's no way for them (or you) to know the truth.
Have you ever heard a preacher say "Abortion is wrong, except in the case of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is in jeopardy? Show me where it says "except" in scripture.
God's word is clear...abortion is wrong. There are no exceptions.
Great men, even well-known and well-respected men, are not always wise; so be careful whom you choose to follow, as it is written: "Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch? (Luke 6:39 )
Can you think of a better way to deceive, than from the pulpit?
Here is Wisdom: "Stop listening to the words of man and start listening to the Word of God"
Read your Bible...Study to show yourself approved.
Because, until you're reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.
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