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Are These Scales Right?

Ray Evans • May 5, 2020
I lost a half pound this weekend. 

Ordinarily I would be okay with losing a half pound; I mean one to two pounds is a reasonable dietary loss for a week, so a half pound for three days is about right; but this was no ordinary diet and the expectations were high.

I lost 8 pounds the first week; so why, following the same dietary regimen, did I only lose a half pound?  I should have lost four pounds.  It was so discouraging.

We often "joked" about all the new people at the gym this time of year and how, like seeds sown on rocky soil, they would be "gone" in a month or two.  Now I was faced with the same dilemma; the first week I lost four pounds in three days...this week, a half pound.  Was it worth the sacrifice?  Should I give up?

It's easy to get discouraged when things don't go as look at the sacrifice and say, "Is it worth it?" 

Fortunately, Jesus didn't feel the same way.

Then I realized, giving up things that are not good for you is not really a sacrifice.  I had resolved to eat better.  I know the closer you eat to the way God intended, the better it is for the body God created. 

This was not some new fad diet, it was a lifestyle change.

Change is not easy, but God never said it would be easy; just that it would be worth it.

Giving up bad things for good things is not a's wisdom.

Why the sudden change to eat better? 

I believe God is preparing to return the earth to his children, so there won't be a lot of Twinkies and Ding Dongs available.  Switching to a plant-based diet and learning how to grow your own food makes a lot of sense. 

I've wanted to plant a garden for a few years...I think God is telling me it's time to do it.

You see, when you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.

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