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Will You Die For Him?

Ray Evans • May 4, 2020
I don't know how many remember the 1988 Apocalyptic Classic "The Seventh Sign" with Demi Moore and Michael Biehn, but I loved that movie.

It's loosely based on the opening of the Seven Seals, but it's pure fiction.  I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but the central theme was "Will you die for him?"

This scripture, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." is really the crux of the whole Bible.

Are you planning to marry?  Ask yourself, "Would I die for him or her?"  If you can't answer, "Yes," maybe you should reconsider your position.  Are you unhappily married?  Maybe the answer to the that question, is the reason you're unhappy.

This is not Marriage Counseling 101; simply to point out that "self-sacrifice;" dying to self and putting others first, was the central theme of Jesus' message and the true test of any serious relationship...including your relationship with God.

To die for someone else is the ultimate sacrifice.  Why would anyone do that?

The only reason anyone would willingly die for someone else, is knowing there is life after death.  I don't mean wishing and hoping, I mean KNOWING, without a doubt, that God and his promises are real. 

It's why the final victory, is over death.

The reason health care is so important today is because people are simply afraid to die.  They're afraid because they don't really know if there is anything after death, so this life is all that matters.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.

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