Ask any senior what they would do if they could start over and most (if not all) would say, "Save more money."
Consider the wisdom in this proverb; "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children." (Proverbs 13:22) Your children's children are your grandchildren.
How do you leave an inheritance to your grandchildren? Just save 10% of your income.
If you think about it, your first full-time job...even if it's minimum wage, will pay about $15,000 a year ($1,256 a month). Ten percent is roughly $125 a month.
If you start when your 21, assuming no raises throughout your lifetime, you would have over one million dollars if you just invest your savings at a ten percent return on investment...which is about the average return of the stock market since its inception.
Imagine how much you'll have if you save $200 a month? $300? Two to Three million.
Two hundred dollars is about fifty bucks a week or seven bucks a day. How much is a bagel and coffee at Starbucks? Seven bucks? That coffee and bagel is costing you two mil. Saving ten percent of your income is not a requirement...just wise.
If you want a happier, healthier, wealthier life: Save ten percent of your income.