This is a biggie.
Keeping the commandments won't get you into the kingdom, but that doesn't mean you can ignore or willfully disobey them and live any way you please.
Jesus said "If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) To willfully disobey the commandments will not only lead to a miserable life, it may even keep you from life everlasting. To wit, if you willfully disobey the commandments, do you really love Jesus?
It's not rocket-science...if you don't love Jesus, the love of God is not in you.
I said this is a biggie, because keeping the commandments is a prerequisite for a blessed life. Just to clarify, keeping the commandments won't "save" you; but they are essential for living a happy, healthy, wealthy life.
Obedience, not belief, is the key to life and blessing (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Do not be deceived:
You are not "saved" because you believe in God; you are saved by grace, the "divine influence on the heart." You are 'saved" when you have been reborn Spiritually; when the Holy Spirit dwells within you. As Jesus said, "Ye must be born again."
If you want to live a changed life, remember the commandments...not so you can go to heaven, but to keep your life from becoming a living hell.
If you want a happier, healthier, wealthier life: Remember the commandments.