Sorry to disappoint you, but Jesus did not die on a cross so you could go to heaven. He didn't come to die for your sins, make you rich or promote social justice.
Jesus came to call sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32) To show God's people the way to a new and everlasting life.
Sin keeps you separated from God. He doesn't hear or answer the prayers of sinners, so as long as you're living in sin, you're "dead" to God.
I know preachers say "Jesus died for your sins," but think about it, "If Jesus died for everyone's sins, why would sinners need to repent?" Does that make sense to you?
When you repent, God wipes the sin-slate clean and you get the opportunity to live a new life.
How you use that opportunity is up to you.
You can walk in his ways, obey his voice and live a blessed life; or you can refuse to obey, continue in sin, and live a cursed life. You get to choose the kind of life you want...blessed or cursed.
Do Not Be Deceived:
Unless you repent, your sins are not think you can live life any way you want and inherit eternal life is a fantasy designed to fill the pews and collection plate.
Trust me, there are going to be a lot of disappointed "Christians" at the pearly gate who hear the most sorrowful words ever, "Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you."
Sin is sin and the wages of sin is death.
If you want the opportunity to live a new life, you must be reborn Spiritually.
Here Is Wisdom:
Until you're born again...nothing else matters.
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