This world would be a great place to live...if it weren't for people.
Guns don't kill, people kill. Airplanes don't start wars, people start wars.
If you think about it, all our problems can be traced to one thing...the falling away from God.
When people stop believing God, sin becomes the norm. No God, no good.
It wasn't so a generation ago...everything changed with the "Me" generation of the 60's.
When we, we, we became me, me, me. The love of money replaced the love for God.
Today, the progressive agenda preaches that people are basically "good." Well, that's not what the Bible whom do you believe?
Do Not Be Deceived:
Just because God has disappeared from the nightly news, doesn't mean he's dead. He is real and alive...waiting for his children to return.
You can't change the world, its fate was sealed long ago; but you can change your world.
Confess your sins, repent, and pray as I prayed over thirty years ago..."God, if you're real, I want to know."
If you're sincere, God will breathe life into your spirit in his way, in his time, according to his purpose, and you will no longer hope, assume or even "believe" God is real, you will know, without a doubt, God is real.
Until then...nothing else matters.
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