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Take It To The Limit

Ray Evans • March 18, 2020
How do you think you'd respond if God asked you to hang on a cross?
We think Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son was the ultimate test, but think about Jesus...asked to give up his own life.  Which is easier?  Give up your life or the life of someone else? 

Don't say, "He was God."  Jesus was not God...if he was God, why was he asking God to let the cup pass? 

What?  Like the movie, "Oh God," with George Burns as God, when asked to swear on the Bible, "So help me, me?"

No, Jesus is not God...he is the first-born Son of God. 

Important?  Yes.  God?  No. 

God said, there is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4) so how can God be God, Jesus be God and the Holy Spirit be God?  Jesus is not your "Father," he is your brother..."the firstborn of many brethren." (Romans 8:29) 

I explain the Trinity in another post...suffice it say, Jesus sweat blood knowing what was going to happen to him. 

So how did he endure it?

Jesus was filled with the Spirit of God; he knew, without a doubt, God was while his "human" side was agonizing over his pending death on the cross, the Spirit of God was assuring him a better life awaited him. 

Victory over death, is the final victory. (1 Corinthians 15:5)  It's why we have so many problems today...people are afraid to die because they don't know, without a doubt, there is something after death. 

People (even "Christians") just don't believe God is real.  Oh, they hope he's real, but when push comes to shove they don't know, without a doubt, God is real; so they put their faith in Science, Medicine and The Affordable Care Act.

The trials and tribulations we face are nothing compared to what our Lord experienced.  We are pushed to the limit to increase our faith, but God never gives us more than we can handle and always makes a way out. 

Nevertheless, when you're pushed to the limit; when you think life is too hard or God is treating you unfairly, remember what God said to me in my darkest day when I cried, "Why have you forsaken me?"

His reply, "I didn't ask you to hang on a cross."  It will put things in perspective for you.

But, until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.

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