E - Eliminate Debt...

Here is Wisdom: "Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7 TLB)

Debt is the ultimate form of bondage.  It's what keeps people working at jobs they don't enjoy, making their life and the lives of those around them, miserable.

Debt robs you of your future and steals your hopes and dreams.  If you haven't noticed, I'm death on debt.

As the scripture says, "The borrower is servant to the lender." If you're in debt, you're a slave; and with it all the negative connotations slavery brings. 

Before you jump to conclusions, let me explain what I mean by debt.

"Debt" is not simply borrowed money...it's money borrowed over and above your current ability to repay.  It's based on future earnings, not current assets.  If you have enough cash or other liquid assets to cover the amount borrowed, it is not "debt;" you are essentially borrowing your own money and paying interest to someone else...it may not be wise, but it's not debt in the literal sense.

Just remember, anytime you borrow without sufficient liquid assets to cover the borrowed amount, whether for a car, a house, even schooling, you are putting yourself and your future at risk.

I believe debt is the major cause of the destruction of the family.  I cannot emphasize this enough: Get out of, or don't go into, debt.

If you want to experience Financial Freedom, God's way: Eliminate debt

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