Have you ever heard a preacher say, "Abortion is wrong except in case of rape, incest or when the mother's life is in jeopardy?"
Show me where it says, "Except," in the Bible.
Legalized abortion is man's way, not God's way.
There are no exceptions...abortion is murder and murder is sin.
You can argue the point or refuse to believe it, but it won't change God's mind. Abortion is murder and murder is sin...and the wages of sin is death.
With repentance, all sins are forgivable (except for the unforgivable sin) but that's not the issue.
Jesus repeatedly warned against false teaching. "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
(Matthew 7:15)
Preaching that abortion is okay under certain circumstances is just one example of the myths, lies and misconceptions leading God's people down the road to hell.
How so?
If you believe abortion is okay...you will not repent. Without repentance, there is no forgiveness of sin...without forgiveness, you will die a sinner and have a date with the devil in hell.
Too many people are being deceived by preachers who are really ravening wolves. They are not interested in saving your soul from hell, they are only interested in your savings...making converts to fill the pews and collection plate.
Here is Wisdom:
Stop listening to the words of man and start listening to the Word of God.
Read the Bible. Study to show yourself approved.
Above all, you must be reborn Spiritually.
Without the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Truth) to guide you, you will be easily deceived.
Only a remnant will be saved, so until you're born again...nothing else matters.
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