Preachers don't have much to say about the "Second Death."
In fact, it's rarely mentioned by the clergy...primarily because they don't want to be the bearer of bad news, and the "Second Death" is definitely bad news.
They love to quote Hebrews 9:27, "It is appointed unto men, once to die,"
but conveniently leave off the rest of the scripture, "but after this the judgement."
Everyone dies once; but the wicked, evil and unrepentant have a date with the devil in hell and will be tossed into the lake of fire and brimstone...this is the second death.
The confusion stems from misunderstanding what happens after we die.
It's commonly preached that there are only two outcomes, heaven and hell. "Heaven" for believers, "Hell" for unbelievers. It tickles the ears and fills the pews and collection plate; but it was never God's plan for us to live, die and go to heaven. It's not about heaven or hell...It's about "judgement." Who will and who won't receive eternal life.
Everyone who dies, goes to "heaven," (even non-believers) because "heaven" is just a resting place prior to judgement. Sorry, no mansions or partying with friends. No sitting on a cloud with a harp or turning into an angel. It's not purgatory either; you don't get a second chance to live just sleep until judgement.
At judgement, everyone who has been reborn Spiritually, whose name is written in the book of life, will receive eternal life...everyone else, will die the second death.
There is only one way to avoid the "Second Death" Jesus said, "Ye must be born again."
Until you're born again...nothing else matters.
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