You may not realize, or perhaps you've never given it a second thought; but God, in his infinite wisdom, allows you to choose the kind of life you want...blessed or cursed.
Is it really that simple? Yep.
"See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments..."
(Deuteronomy 30:15)
You see, it's not your choice to believe in are either a child of God or you're not.
Your choice, your only choice, is to obey God...that's "freewill."
Oh, how we hate the word "obey"...but it wasn't "unbelief" that got Adam and Eve booted from the garden, nor did "unbelief" cause the Israelite's to wander in the desert for forty years...throughout all of scripture, the only thing keeping God's people from the blessings of God was "disobedience."
The way to a blessed life hasn't changed.
Life and blessing is the reward for obedience...disobedience brings death and cursing.
God is not an ogre looking for an excuse to thump you. As the creator of all things, he knows that if you will listen, and obey his instructions, you'll have a blessed (happy) life.
If you don't, or won't, you will wander in the desert until you do...or die.
Your choice.
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