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It's Okay To Hate

Ray Evans • March 4, 2020
Watching TV, I remarked, "I hate football," and was rebuked for my unchristian attitude.

It's said, "Christians" are supposed to "love" everyone...but scripture is clear: "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate" (Proverbs 8:13)  

It's okay to hate fact, you should.

I don't really "hate" football; it's the arrogance of athletes, promoted by athletics.

I understand "athletes" are proud of their skills and accomplishments, but that doesn't make it right in God's eyes. 

I see a lot of athletes pointing to the the sky and making the sign of the cross; but that doesn't mean they're God's kids.  A lot of people who support abortion and same-sex marriage (which are abominations to God) make the sign of the cross.  They may be "Christians," but that doesn't make them a child of God.

It's not for me to say who is or isn't a child of God; only God know what's in a person's heart; but scripture says you'll know them by their "fruit."  When a player, several players, or sometimes the whole team runs up to the TV cameras to do some kind of dance that says, "look at me. I'm (or we're) the greatest;" that's rotten "fruit," IMHO.

The fans may love it; but pride and arrogance are not admirable qualities to fact, he hates it.

We tend to think of "evil" as serial killers and wife beaters...but be honest, do you really "like" arrogant self-centered people?  Don't liars set your teeth on edge?  When someone cuts you off in traffic, does that make you "happy?"

When you're "born again", you become intensely aware of, and will hate (yes hate) sin and evil.  If you don't, you have to question whether you have been reborn Spiritually; because the scripture is clear:  "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil"  (Proverbs 8:13)

Until you're born again...nothing else matters.

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