Predestination is probably one of the most debated topics in scripture.
I mean, if our life is predetermined, then what about "freewill?" It's one or the other...or is it?
God "foreknows" them that are his (he chose them, remember?), but their future is not predetermined.
He doesn't know what they're going to do any more than you know if your son is going to drive home drunk or your daughter is going to overdose on drugs. You can establish "rules," but that doesn't mean they will abide by them.
If life was "predetermined" we wouldn't have a choice. That's the we or don't we?
From birth, you are "predestined" to be a child of God, or you're not. You didn't choose your earthly father, neither do you chose your heavenly Father. If you're a child of God, your choice, you only choice, is to obey or disobey God...that's freewill.
Predestinate (proorizo) means "ordained." If you are a child of God, you were "ordained" a priest from the womb; but when he calls, you have the "freewill" to accept or reject the "ordination."
If you accept and turn your will over to God, he will send the Spirit of Truth to abide with you; and guide you on the path to eternal life. You must simply follow the's called, "The road to life."
If you reject the ordination or refuse to follow the right path, you are left to your own devices...that doesn't mean you can't return to God; only that your life will be miserable until you do.
If you don't...well, your path leads to destruction and eternal damnation.
Do not be deceived:
If you're a child of God, he has set before you life and death, blessing and cursing.
You get to choose the kind of life your want. He hopes you choose life and blessing, but it's your choice.
However, until you're reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.
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