We make prayer, as with most things in life, much too complicated.
One of the first things Jesus said about prayer, "Stop with all the vain repetitions"
(Matthew 6:7).
Admittedly there are times when I just say "Thank You," five or six times...nothing else, just "Thank You." When you realize who God is, what he has done and what he can do; sometimes, "Thank You," is all that need be said.
Prayer is talking with God. You don't need all the Thee's and Thou's; just talk to him as if he were in front of you (he is, after all, inside you)...assuming you've been reborn Spiritually. If not, well...that could be why your "prayers' aren't being answered.
Do Not Be Deceived:
If you're an sinner, God doesn't hear the prayers of sinners (John 9:31). Sin separates you from God; the only prayer God hears from sinners is the prayer of repentance. I know preachers say, "We're all sinners," and they're right, in a sense; but if you're born again, you won't knowingly sin without repenting. Trust me, people who have been truly reborn Spiritually, do not sin...and they "pray without ceasing."
Do you sin? Then you must question whether the "love of God" (the Holy Spirit) is in you. Most likely, if you are living a sinful lifestyle, you haven't been reborn Spiritually; because those who have been truly born again, cannot sin.
If you want to talk to God; repent of your sins and be baptized in the Spirit. As Jesus said, "Ye must be born again."
Jesus almost always went away alone to pray and said
"Don't be like the Pharisees who pray in public to be seen by men. Pray in secret and your Father which sees in secret will reward you openly."
(Matthew 6:6) Even before meals, just bow your head and thank God silently for the food, you don't need to make a production out of it.
Prayer is not difficult. It's just a conversation between you and God...you don't need to pray out loud. God can hear your thoughts, so you can talk to God anytime, anywhere.
Why do preachers (and others) pray openly? To be seen of men, of course. They certainly appear "righteous," don't they? Praying openly, like touchy-feely sermons, fill the pews and collection plate.
Here is Wisdom:
God doesn't want you to look righteous, he want's you to be righteous.
Remember, just because everyone believes something is true, doesn't make it truth.
"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."
(Matthew 6:6) It doesn't get much clearer.
I'm not big on asking for stuff; but the Bible says to make your requests known unto God, so if you want to ask for stuff I leave that between you and God. However, stop with all the "Name it and Claim it," stuff.
God is not going to give you a billion dollars (even if you promise to give ten percent to the church) or that new Cadillac. Name it and Claim sounds good, but that's not how God works. You'll get the big things, when you have proven you can be trusted with the little things. Hint: If you're not tithing now, why would God think you'd tithe later?
Please Note: You don't give to get...you get because you're giving. It's a matter of the heart, not the head.
God knows what you need before you ask, so my suggestion is simply to pray as Jesus prayed, "Thy will be done;" and then rest, knowing that what ever happens is God's will for you.
It may not be what you want...but trust me, God's will is always what's best.
However, until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.
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