The worst thing about the 'Green New Deal" pushed by the Demoncrats is that it de-legitimizes the possibility of an actual apocalyptic event.
I have always felt the Democratic Party was cannot be pro-abortion and pro-homosexual, and be in God's good graces. How anyone can call themselves a Christian and be a "Democrat" is beyond me...but then, "They are not all Israel..." (Romans 9:6)
The world and the world's ways are enmity with God. You may be a good person, go to church and call yourself a "Christian," but if you think abortion and living a homosexual lifestyle is okay because they're "legal," you are sadly mistaken and will be sorely disappointed when you reach the pearly gates and hear, "Depart from me."
I heard a Conservative talk-show host say that none of the apocalyptic "visions" have ever come to pass...intimating that the Green New Deal's "World ending in twelve years," is a joke; and shouldn't be taken seriously.
He may be right, but Satan's greatest accomplishment was convincing the world he doesn't exist...getting people to laugh at the possibility of an apocalypse is right up Satan's alley.
No one knows the day or hour, but anyone who believes it won't happen, will be ill-prepared when it does.
Here Is Wisdom:
"It's better to be prepared for that which does not come, than unprepared for that which does."The Bible says it will's just a matter of when.
Jesus said to "Be ready always," so wisdom would dictate that you should always be ready.
You see, it's not "What if it doesn't happen?" It's "What if it does?"
Get ready...difficult days are on the horizon.
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