A lot of Pastors, Priests and Biblical Scholars say we are no longer under "the Law;" but Jesus said he did not come to do away with the law, so whom do you believe?
True, the "Law" can't "save" you, but life and blessing come from obedience, not belief.
God gave us commandments and statutes for living a happy, healthy, wealthy life; He said, "walk in my ways and obey my voice, and you will have life." He set before you life and blessing, death and cursing; he hopes you choose life, but it's your choice.
Think about it, you get to choose the kind of life you want...blessed or cursed. So stop complaining if your life is not all you want it to be. You chose it willingly, maybe not knowingly; but how you live your life matters…now and for eternity.
Walking in disobedience to God is the sure way to a miserable life. Do you really think God wants a bunch of disobedient, law-breaking people in his kingdom?
Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments;" if you don't keep the commandments, you don't really love Jesus...and if you don't love the Son of God, why would you think God would love you?
Yes, God is love; but by his own admission, God is a jealous God. (Exodus 20:5)
Keeping the commandments won't get you into heaven, but they will keep your life from becoming a living hell.
Why do people lie, cheat and steal, or worse?
They just don't believe God is real.
Oh, they hope he's real, but they don't know, without a doubt, that God is real.
They have bought into the myths, lies and misconceptions coming from the pulpit that God loves everyone, and everyone will be saved.
Trust me, nowhere in scripture does it say "God loves the sinner, but hates the sin."
God loves them that love him (Proverbs 8:17) and those that love him, keep the commandments (John 14:21)
It's not about keeping the "law;" it's about having respect for God.
You can't, you won't, until you know God is real.
God is Spirit; so you won't know God is real until you have been reborn Spiritually; which is why Jesus said, "Ye must be born again." (John 3:7)
You see, until you are reborn Spiritually, until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.
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