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An Angel Of Light

Ray Evans • January 3, 2020
If Satan had horns, wore a red suit and carried a pitchfork, he would be easy to recognize; but he doesn't, except in paintings and some old movies.

I know preachers describe Satan as a “dark angel” who fell from grace for rebelling against God.  And witches, warlocks and others on the “dark side,” worship Satan as a god. 

Books and movies are rife with scary images of Satan…but are they realistic?

Is Satan a monster?  Is he real or imagined?  Is Satan just a made up character designed to scare people into doing right?

What’s the truth?

The Bible says Satan is transformed into an angel of light and his ministers as ministers of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 11:14)  That's scarier than horns and a pitchfork, because to most people Satan is unrecognizable and his role in the greater scheme of things has been widely misinterpreted.

God needed a way to test his children, to see if they would obey...Satan got the job. 

If you're a child of God, rest assured, you will be tested.

Satan is not all-powerful; he can't "steal" your soul...he can make your life miserable, remember Job?

Satan's sole purpose is to draw you away from God using any means possible; including lies and deception; he even uses Scripture, as he did with Jesus...that's why it's so important to read and study scripture every day; and pray constantly.  It's so easy to be drawn away from God.

Satan's lies and deceptions are very subtle...they seem right and may even come from the pulpit (remember, Satan is transformed into an angel of light), so heed the warning in 1st Peter 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, like a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."

Stay alert to the wiles of the devil...your eternal life depends on it.

Of course, until you’re born again; until you know, without a doubt, that God is real…nothing else matters.

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