I would be really confused why so many people confess to be Christians, but fly past me on the Interstate, cheat on their taxes and lie about their golf scores.
I would be confused, but the Bible is clear...
"Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil"
(John 3:19)
It's obvious to me that people (even "Christians") don't read the Bible; otherwise, I wouldn't be the only one on the highway driving the speed limit.
Think "speeding" isn't a sin? Do you remember that WWJD bracelet a few years ago? Well, "What Would Jesus Do?"
Do you think he would be speeding down the highway, cheating on his taxes and lying about his golf score? If so, you don't know God.
If you think going to church and tossing a few bucks in the collection plate is your ticket to "heaven," you are sadly mistaken. It might make you a "Christian," but it's the path to hell.
Trust me, there are going to be a lot of disappointed "Christians" at the pearly gates when Jesus says, "Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you."
How do I know you're on the wide path that leads to destruction? If you're speeding on the highway, cheating on your taxes, lying about your golf score, or in any other way "breaking the law," the Spirit of God is not in you...and without the Spirit of God you haven't been reborn Spiritually, so you cannot see or enter the kingdom.
Instead of watching "Survivor," try reading God's word and discover how to survive.
Until you're reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.
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