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God Sees You

Ray Evans • February 13, 2020
I cringe every time I hear a preacher say, "God knows what you're going to do before you do it."  If that was true, why doesn't he stop me from doing stupid things?

The truth is, God doesn't know what you're going to do, any more than you know if your son is going to drive home drunk or your daughter is going to OD at a party.

Like any good father, God teaches his kids right and wrong...he, like we, hope our kids make the right choices.  Forcing them to do something, even if it's for their own good, usually drives them away...from home. and God.

If God "stopped" you from doing something dumb, it wouldn't be "freewill."  

You see, "freewill" is not the choice to believe or disbelieve in God (even devils believe in God  - James 2:19).  Freewill is the choice to obey or disobey God.  I believe we have angels watching over us (Luke 4:10), but I that's just to keep us from being accidentally killed prematurely, not keep you from experiencing the consequences of your stupidity or disobedience...jumping off a bridge to see if the angels will save you is unwise.

God sees the end, from the beginning.  Just as you know what could happen if you drive drunk or OD on drugs.  It saddens him to see his kids ignore his wisdom; as it would sadden any parent to see their kid laying in a hospital bed (or a casket).

God, like any good father, only wants the best for his kids,  As creator of all things, he really does know what's best...what works and what doesn't.  If you want to know how something works, wouldn't wisdom dictate that you ask the person who invented it?

God doesn't know what you're going to do; but, he does know everything you've if you think he doesn't see when you sin, you are only fooling yourself. 

Unlike what you hear from the pulpit, you are not going to stand before God and answer for every sin you ever committed.  If you die in sin, God will not ask why you fact, he's not going to ask you anything (he already knows everything you've done); he will simply say, "Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you." 

It doesn't matter why you sinned...only that you sinned.  God does not grade on the curve.  It's not how big or how only takes one little sin. to separate you from God.

Do Not Be Deceived: Jesus did not die for your past, present and future sins.  When you sin, you do so willingly; and living a sinful lifestyle is the road to hell.  Sin separates you from, and for all eternity.  Obviously, you can choose to believe the preacher and continuing sinning, trusting he's right...but what if he's wrong?

Here Is Wisdom: Stop listening to the words of man, and start listening to the Word of God.  Read your Bible.

Until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.

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