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Happy Days Are Here Again

Ray Evans • March 1, 2020
Hallelujah!  I'm going to be RICH!

Don't you just love those prosperity messages?  I mean c'mon, the Bible says my barns are going to be filled with it must be true, right?

Remember, just because everyone believes something is true, doesn't make it truth.

The "Prosperity" message draws a lot of folks to the church.  It also drives a lot of folks away from the church...when the "promise" of wealth (or anything else for that matter) is unfulfilled.

The scriptures are typically taken out of context.  Almost without exception, there is a condition. i.e. the previous verse says, "Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:"  If you don't "honor" God, he won't fill your barns.  Or, Malachi 3:10, where God says to bring all the tithes into the storehouse...and he will pour out a blessing so much you can't contain it all.  If you don't "tithe," well... 

"Tithing" is not giving ten percent to the's setting aside ten percent for God's work; whatever that is and wherever he directs.  It's a matter of the heart, not the head.  Until you're faithful in the little things, you won't get the big things.  Just sayin'

Make no mistake, God doesn't want his kids to be poor (poverty does not glorify God); but there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything...finances are no exception.

God laid out principles for us to follow for health, wealth and happiness and he is faithful to provide and protect

He will fill your barns with plenty and your presses will burst out with new wine...but only if you follow the principles laid out in the Bible. 

Life and blessing are the reward for obedience; but you won't obey God until you know, without a doubt, God is real. 

Until then...nothing else matters.

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