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On The Horizon

Ray Evans • January 20, 2020
Funny how some things you hear as a child just kinda stick; like this little ditty my Dad taught me, "Red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky at morning, sailors take warning."  My Dad said you could forecast weather by looking at the sky.  It's pretty accurate

Imagine my surprise when I read in the Bible, "When it is evening, ye say it will be fair weather for the sky is red.  And in the morning, it will be foul weather to day for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky, but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" (Matthew 16:2,3)

This proverb has always been one of my favorites.  It's basically, "Seeing the end, from the beginning."  It's why I don't go to bars.  I don't have anything against alcohol, but nothing good comes from going to bars and getting drunk.  Even if you survive the fist-fights (and now, the gun violence) you still have to deal with the hangover...for what?

If you don't put yourself in dangerous situations, you don't have to worry about getting hurt.  The law was made for lawbreakers.  If you don't speed, you don't have to worry about getting a ticket, having your car towed or spending a night in jail.

It may not be as simple as seeing a "red" sky; but, you don't have to be a Prophet to see that the world is waxing worse and worse...pick up any newspaper.

It's going to get worse, a lot worse, before it gets better; but...

Here is Wisdom: "When you're prepared for the worst, it doesn't matter what happens, or when."

Until you are reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.

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