One afternoon, as I was reading Matthew 24:14, the word "This" seemed to jump off the page. Call it an Aha moment.
I had always heard preachers say that "this gospel," was the good news of Jesus; but in my understanding, "salvation" is not about believing in Jesus, it's about being "born-again." The gospel that must be preached in all the world was "THIS" gospel..."he that endures unto the end, the same shall be saved." (Matthew 24:13)
Suddenly, it all made sense.
After my illumination in 1987, God showed me a vision of a smoldering earth and said, "This is the world with all its hypocrisy, greed and avarice; I will burn them up with the fire from my mouth". He told me to "prepare for difficult times."
We started building an "Ark" (not a boat, a place of refuge)...storing food, water, etc.
Do Not Be Deceived:
It's not the end of the world or the "rapture" of the church, as some would have you believe. There's a new world coming; where every knee will bow and tongue proclaim that Jesus is Lord.
In a little while, God is going to again remove the wicked, evil and unrepentant from the earth, just as it was in the days of Noah. Those who are prepared physically and Spiritually, as was Noah, will remain to begin again. Those who aren't, will be gone.
Get's going to get worse, a lot worse, before it gets better.
Of course, until you're reborn Spiritually...nothing else matters.
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