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There Is Nothing Hid

Ray Evans • February 15, 2020
Jesus didn't try to convert or convince anyone of anything.  He simply repeated what the Father said to him. (John 12:50)

I'm not Jesus, but I know who my Father is.  I also know it is not for me to convert nor convince you of anything...simply speak the truth that has been revealed to me.

I'm not special...heck, I was a used car salesman; it just doesn't get much lower on the credibility scale; unless you count insurance salesmen; oops, I did that too.  It's a good thing God uses the simple to confound the wise...I'm about as simple as it gets.

After my illumination in 1986, I spent nine months in prayer, meditating on scripture.  My testimony is in all my books, so I won't bore you with it here.  Suffice it to say, I committed my life to serving God after a "Damascus Road" experience.

In 1987, two prophetic psalmists from California, Charles and Paula Slagle, prophesied that in what I wrote and spoke, the gospel would be heralded and heard in many quarters of the's only taken thirty years for the prophesy to become reality.

Here's the good news: God is real and alive and wants to know you. 

You don't have to believe me...get down on your knees and pray as I prayed over thirty years ago, "God, if you're real, I want to know."  If you're sincere in your request, God will reveal himself in his time, in his way, according to his purpose, and you will no longer hope, assume or even "believe" God is will know it.

Until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.

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