Do you know anyone who has been to heaven...and returned to tell about it?
Neither do I.
Except for a few "kids" and some questionable YouTubers, we have no credible witness to what "heaven" is like.
The Bible says very little about "heaven" for good reason; God doesn't want us focusing on the afterlife...he wants us to focus on life, now. How you live your life, and for eternity.
Based on my study of scripture, most of what you hear about "heaven" is just a fantasy designed to fill the pews and collection plates.
There will be no partying with loved ones or sitting on a cloud with a harp. When you die, you simply enter into God's go to sleep until the judgement (Revelation 20:5). You may dream (or have a perpetual nightmare) but you will not be kneeling before God singing praises and worshiping him for matter how "glorious" the preacher makes it sound. You were not created to worship worship God because he created you.
It was never God's plan for us to live, die and go to heaven. His plan was for us to enjoy his creation and live an abundant life on earth. When Jesus said the "kingdom" is within you, he was referring to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
It's what separates God's kids from everyone else.
You may be religious; you may be a good person; you may even believe in God; but unless or until you are reborn Spiritually, nothing else matters.
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