Who doesn't recognize the Twenty-Third Psalm?
There are plenty of references in scripture to sheep and shepherds; the analogy is logical...shepherd's take care of their sheep; as God cares for his children.
Sheep are essentially "dumb" creatures. They will wade in a creek and drown (their wool gets so waterlogged they can't escape); thus the shepherd has a staff (ever wonder why the staff has a crook on the end?) to pull the sheep to safety.
If the Lord is your "shepherd," you have nothing to fear; as the Psalmist declares God's protection and provision; but, we are not all God's sheep. Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice and will follow no other." (John 10:26-27)
You are not a child of God (his "sheep") simply because you say a little prayer and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. You don't choose God, he chooses you.
If you're a child of God, you know, without a doubt, that God is real. If you don't know, without a doubt, God is real. I urge you to get down on your knees and pray as I prayed over thirty years ago, "God, if you're real, I want to know."
If you're sincere, God will reveal himself to you in his way, in his time, according to his purpose and you will no longer hope, assume or even believe God is real...you will know he's real.
Until you know, without a doubt, God is real...nothing else matters.
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