If you're like most "Christians," you go to church, throw a few bucks in the collection plate, think you have eternal life and will go to heaven when you die. Sound familiar?
I hate to burst your bubble, but going to church and throwing money in the collection plate won't get you to "heaven" or assure you eternal life...nor will saying a little prayer and confessing that Jesus is Lord. You must be born-again.
What does that mean?
Like physical birth, Spiritual birth is an experience. It can't be explained, any more than you can explain the taste of salt to someone who has never tasted salt. Only women who have experienced it, know what giving birth is like. Likewise, with Spiritual birth, only those who have experienced it, know what it's like.
A lot of preachers say that you are "born-again" when you accept Jesus; perhaps; but when you're "born-again," your thinking changes. You will have a hunger and thirst for God's word and an insatiable desire to please God. Every thought and action will be filtered thru the Holy Spirit. You cannot sin, without being convicted of the sin...conviction leads to repentance and repentance to forgiveness.
If this doesn't describe your life, you have not been born again. You may be religious; you may be a good person; but that doesn't mean you're a child of God.
When God reveals himself to you, it is an unforgettable experience; you will no longer hope, assume or even "believe' God is real...you will know it. "And in that day thou shalt say, Oh Lord, I will praise thee" Until then, nothing else matters.
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